Signup for membership

  • 1. Your Details

  • If you are registering as a new member this field must be populated. This cannot be changed once you have joined.
  • You must fill in this field
  • You must fill in this field
  • If populated then this field will show instead of your First Name & Last Name
  • Fill in this section if you want your address to be shown on your profile
  • Fill this in if you don't want your address displayed on your profile.
  • The town field will be shown to the public for guidance, please add only your town or nearest town here.
  • For internal use only – not shown on profile
  • This will be displayed on your public profile.
  • 2. About You & Your Work

    Please add some details about you and your work here. This is your space to get visitors interested in your work, so you can give a good description of your inspirations and materials/ methods. You can also mention if you run workshops or other events and where details can be found.
  • Upload This image is displayed on the listing page so please choose an image that shows off your work rather than just a plain portrait. It is important to the overall look of the listing page as we want to give visitors a sense of what each artist makes to encourage them to click through to your individual page.

    To upload your profile picture. When you have dragged or selected your image, wait for it to show, then click Select File (bottom right) Square formats work best here, for example 600x600pixels. Anything not square will be cropped and may not display as you would like. The website will only accept .png and .jpg formats.

    Please note your profile will not display if you do not add an image here. CLICK UPDATE at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
  • Upload This is for your cover image on your profile, a landscape image works best here – we suggest approximately 1200x400px. The website will only accept .png and .jpg formats. CLICK UPDATE at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
    What type of work do you make, tick all that apply. (This will be displayed on your public profile). You should only tick 'gallery' if you are regularly open to the public.
  • Enter a description of you and the work you produce. Use this to engage with visitors and get them interested in your work. You could also mention whether you do workshops, where people can find your work and anything else you think is important.
  • 3. Gallery Images

    Please select images to be added to the gallery section of your profile. Try to keep the dimensions under 1000px on either height or width and the file size should be less than 3mb. The website will only accept .png and .jpg formats.

    Before you upload, please rename you images with your first name and last name and title of piece (if appropriate). Click here to see more details on the support pdf

    eg JaneSmithIntheWoodland.jpg

    or JaneSmith01.jpg
    We can only use your photos for page headers and other promotional purposes if they are named.
  • Upload Please upload one image here, When you have dragged or selected your image, wait for it to show, then click Select File (bottom right). CLICK UPDATE at the bottom of this page, before selecting next image.
  • Upload Please upload one image here. When you have dragged or selected your image, wait for it to show, then click Select File (bottom right). CLICK UPDATE at the bottom of this page, before selecting next image.
  • Upload Please upload one image here. When you have dragged or selected your image, wait for it to show, then click Select File (bottom right). CLICK UPDATE at the bottom of this page, before selecting next image.
  • Upload Please upload one image here. When you have dragged or selected your image, wait for it to show, then click Select File (bottom right). CLICK UPDATE at the bottom of this page, before selecting next image.
  • Upload Please upload one image here. When you have dragged or selected your image, wait for it to show, then click Select File (bottom right). CLICK UPDATE at the bottom of this page, before selecting next image.
  • Upload Please upload one image here. When you have dragged or selected your image, wait for it to show, then click Select File (bottom right). CLICK UPDATE at the bottom of this page, before selecting next image.
  • 4. Social Media

    Please enter the website addresses of any of the social media accounts listed below that you would like to display on your profile. Please enter the full address, for example

    If a field is left blank then it will not show on your profile.
  • Please enter your Facebook URL. For example
  • Please enter your Instagram URL. For example
  • Please enter your Twitter URL. For example
  • Please enter your Etsy URL. For example
  • 5. Password & Membership

    You can change your password here and see what membership plan you are currently subscribed to.

    If registering you can select which plan you would like to join.
  • Membership

    Select your membership to Devon Artist Network.
    Feature your own gallery or business here and showcase your specialist art supplies and services direct to creatives and the public. Your Suppliers and Galleries Membership gives you a page to upload images and write about what you do. You can add links to your own social media and website too. You can promote your events via the site.
    Upgrade membership to a supplier or gallery profile
    Open to artists living or working in Devon, your membership gives you your own page where you can upload images and write about yourself. You can add links to your own social media and website and publicise your events and workshops. You will be eligible to apply for members-only events such as Devon Open Studios each September, plus exhibitions and training events held during the year.
  • Terms & Conditions
    By clicking submit or update you are agreeing to our terms & conditions. They can be reviewed by clicking on the link in our footer.
    I am covered by the UK Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and I consent to the collection of my personal information for the purposes of the Devon Artist Network membership.
    • Billing Details

    • If entered, this will appear on the invoice, replacing the First and Last Name.

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