Rosemary Bonney

Contact Information Near Ashburton mixed media, painting, photography South Hams

Rosemary Bonney Bio

I am a landscape painter living on the edge of Dartmoor and working from my studio in Holne.

I am passionate about the Dartmoor landscape, which provides me with endless inspiration. I interpret it in all its moods, seeking out the wilder areas of the moor and attempting to capture the fleeting and dramatic light changes that the unpredictable weather brings. I am particularly drawn to the ancient sites such as the stone rows and circles that reflect the moor’s history but also the more gentle parts of the landscape with intricate field patterns of hedged or stonewalled fields, juxtaposed with bleak moorland, tumbling rivers and rocky tors. Colour is important to me and I enjoy experimenting with new ways of expressing the essence of the landscape with emphasis on colour. Although green is very much in evidence, particularly during summer, there is also a profusion of purples, browns, reds and golden yellows, which dominate in turn with the progression of the seasons.

I also paint the more intimate aspects of the landscape, particularly the profusion of wild flowers typical of the Devon countryside.

The beautiful coastline of the South West Peninsula is also an inspiration to me and presents a contrast to the sometimes, starkness of the moor.

I capture my images on camera whilst walking on the moor and back in the studio I develop my digital material to create a composition as my reference source and as a prelude to painting. I work at my best when I am in my studio but I like to return to the location regularly to reunite myself with the subject matter.

I paint with oils, acrylics and mixed media using a range of implements including rollers, palette knives, brushes, rags and hands. Natural elements including moorland grasses, sand and soil may also find their way into my paintings.

Rosemary Bonney Work