About Me
Why ‘Matteos art room’?
Well in Italy, “Matteo” translates my name, Matthew. Since I have a love affair with Italy I thought it apt to use the name Matteo. And of course ‘art’ is self explanatory. And ‘room’ actually translates as a ‘hub’ if you like, a place where you can find my artwork online.
I have a corner at home where I paint and work from at the moment. I paint and draw for arts sake really because I enjoy it, and not for financial gain. I try to reflect the prices of my artwork on how much it cost to create, including the materials used and the time taken to produce each piece.
My inspirations come from the woods, Italy and the sea/coast. Local images also play a part, hence why you see so many trees, greenery, rustic images. Water features in a lot of my work too since water is magnet for me, as a swimmer. Living near the sea also helps!
I paint mostly in Acrylics. I find its an easier medium to work with since its palpable. I have also created images to be turned into greeting cards, mainly blank cards and ideal for any occasion. I have been lucky to have sold my work fairly widely as far as Scotland and have had interest from as far as the USA.
I currently have an etsy shop (details at the bottom) as well as this website to try and sell my artwork. I also pop up in markets and events occasionally in various places.
Its all a labour of love really. There's nothing I'd rather do than to paint and trade and in the process its great to be able to create something out of nothing and if people can see my work and buy them if they like it enough….what more can I ask for?!