I am delighted to say I have work in the Artizan Women’s Open Exhibition this year and would love to see you at the launch.
Hosted by Artizan for the first time in 2023, the exhibition responds to the continuing disparity between genders when it comes to representation in the arts. It reflects recent revelations from organisations such as the National Gallery, who analysed their collection of 2,300 paintings from the 13th to early 20th century and found only 21 are by women.
Recognising the importance of this ongoing conversation, not just in the arts but in all walks of life, the Artizan Women’s Open is now a regular part of their calendar, and this year will include 50 artists from the UK and internationally in showcase running from 19th May – 30th June.
On 18th May, 18:00-20:00 there will be a launch evening which I’m pleased to invite you to. It will be an opportunity to view the works for the first time before the exhibition opens officially, and to meet some of my fellow exhibitors.
If you would like to attend then an RSVP to the invitation is here or alternatively do stop into the exhibition through May and June, Tuesday-Sunday 11:00-17:00 (16:00 Sundays).